Thu, Mar 27, 2025
BSIT earns Level 4 re-accredited certificate
Planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of performance are important processes in the entire planning cycle. Planning is setting the direction of the University. Implementation is putting the plan into action. Performance monitoring and evaluation is taking action in response to actual performance to make outcomes better than they would otherwise be. These integrated processes help us identify the ‘added value’ of our performance to deliver TSU’s key priorities and engage with its stakeholders. This cycle enables us to make effective, well-informed and timely decisions which focus on the outcomes expressed in the TSU Development Plan/ Roadmap. It is essential to the success of TSU and is a vital element of forward planning, risk management and continuous improvement.
Improving the outcomes for stakeholders is at the top of the TSU Administration agenda and the demand for improvement. TSU is faced with a range of challenges and opportunities, with increasingly higher expectations from its stakeholders (CHED, DBM, NEDA, other government agencies, students and parents), and yet this very scenario also provides an opportunity to fundamentally re-think our role, the services we must deliver against those we would like to deliver and importantly how and where they are delivered.
The Offices of Planning, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation ensures that there is an efficient planning system that: